Jazzy Berlin Community:
The Salon is back.
Jazzy Berlin Bandstand
& Jazzy Berlin Jam session
The U P P E R Jazz Salon no. III
The new Jazz salon is a gathering of people under, of an inspiring host, held partly to amuse one another and partly to refine the taste and increase the knowledge of the participants through conversation. Relations are a constant shift of parameters, of couples, pairs – the musician and the audience, the audience and the space.
17.00 open doors
Jazzy Berlin Jam session *
Band stand tba
Selected Vinyl:
Vamilienfa†er (bohemian drips.)
DJ Vai
im Rahmen des Festivals
Offenes Neukölln des Bündnis Neukölln
Entry 3-6€ –
Sign up early for the guest list and pay 3€ –
We meet again – at the upper structure.
Round up. Rolling the nickel. Making the dime.
The second edition of The Jazzy Berlin Jazz Salon is taking place on sunday 26th. – band on the wooden floor, the audience tucked away in their fave corners.
Sweet Jazz in the air. Can you taste the colours of spring?
The Upper structure – painting by Albers
Hinter den Alpen ≈ 3-6€ ≈