Konzerte Am Samstag | 03. August 2019 | Klunkerkranich
Paul Arámbula & Band * Live
performing old and new songs with his band
EUYO – The European Union Youth Orchestra * Live
Oliver Kipp: „So in Love” & “Granada” for string ensemble
Steve Reich: „Music for Pieces of Wood”
Julio Medaglia: “Belle Epoque in Sud America”
for wind ensemble
Giuseppe Verdi: medley from „Nabucco“
Ernesto Lecuona: „Malagueña“
Richard Bissill: „Caravan“
for brass ensemble
in cooperation with Young Euro Classic
EUYO – Young Euro Classic Unterwegs in der Stadt
Selected Vinyl by
FCK VYNYL aka Anna Bolena (Buttons)
DJ Erziehungsberechtigter (Schrippenkirche)
Vamilienfa†er (bohemian drips. / Klunkerkranich)
Paul Arámbula & Band // https://bit.ly/2L1bBLz
EUYO // https://bit.ly/2SwSMV8
FCK VYNYL // https://bit.ly/2zpaNPi
Dj Erziehungsberechtigter // in den 90ern gab es keine Links
Vamilienfa†er // https://bit.ly/2y0XhxV
Artwork by Studio Edition Moderne Jazz
≈ Wohnzimmer ≈ 3-5 ≈