DJ ONONiiONIONIION’s monthly International Pop music Night!
This month, I invited Berlin Ukrainian Garage Princes Katja Blazheichuk for selecting very rare Ukrainian music! Also Berlin based shamisen(its like Japanese saz) Trio 蜜音 Mitsune to play traditional-original tracks! you will see something youve never heard of, so get ready to forget closing your mouth!!
<蜜音 Mitsune>
Mitsune is an all-female shamisen trio based in Berlin, comprising three women from different cultural backgrounds: Japanese, German and Australian. Shiomi, Tina and Youka met in Berlin in 2017 through their shared love of the shamisen, a three-stringed Japanese folk instrument, which is played with a large plectrum called bachi. Although the shamisen was popular amongst geisha, Mitsune adopts the more robust Tsugaru style from Northern Japan, which has until modern times been a male-dominated tradition; Shiomi, Tina and Youka seek to challenge this tradition with their own unique flair.
Together they play a mix of traditional Japanese Min’yō (folk songs with and without singing), modern shamisen repertoire and original compositions and arrangements. The name Mitsune translates from Japanese as “a sweet sound”, but is also a play on the word “mitsu”, which indicates three of something – the three strings of a shamisen, three women, three cultures coming together in harmony.
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<Katja Blazheichuk>
aka Taishi Nagasaka, born in Japan. Lived in London and currently in Berlin since 2012. He has been making several projects such as Cozmik Onion Express (Analog Synth trigger band) and Iwazu Mo Gana(Japanese Experimental performance with Butoh and noise) then he joined as a bass played in a British band, Fat White Family 2014-2016 ish. After that he started his Psych J Pop band Jaguar No Me, and 60-80’s J-Pop vinyl DJ,and organise events organiser.