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HUG RECORDS w/ Kahl & Kaemena (live), Thommie G, Giz, Marco Tegui, Lazer Wolf, Audae

35 years ago, on 04.06.1987 a new life appeared in Western Germany and it was called Philippe. Six years and 1 day later another one manifested under the name of Mirko and 5 years ago they had a baby together and called it Hug Records.
2 years ago that baby graduated from the label academy with its first vinyl and the ceremony happened on our favorite roof in Berlin the Klunkerkranich.
Now that the pandemic is hopefully over, we figured it is time to return to that magical roof and celebrate all of the above.
To do this we invited friends & „Wegbegleiter“ to share their musical talents with us, namely:
We can not wait to hug and dance together ❤